The Rise of the Mobile Micro-Site

We live in a world of “instant”.

The word “instant” for us Internet Marketers is not new.  We’ve deployed “instant” micro-site web infrastructure to optimize search conversion, increase lead generation, develop sales pipeline leads, train and educate on YouTube and create a host of other Customer Relationship Management (CRM) opportunities for our consumers. Yes, micro-site marketing has proven itself with a positive ROI which has been cataloged many times in the web business success library.

Today, when people want instant information, instant search, instant PR, instant video, instant shopping, with increasing frequency they access the Web using their smartphones, Tablets and other Mobile devices. Mobile is fast becoming the new micro-site playground for online marketers.

Consider these Mobile Trends

* Total m-commerce sales for 2011 were expected to exceed $10 billion, according to the Internet Retailer Mobile Commerce Top 300.

* In December 2011, sales stemming from Smartphones and tablets accounted for 11% of total online sales, up from 5.5% in December 2010, according to the IBM Benchmark report that tracks online sales of some 500 retailers. – Internet Retailer

* By the end of 2012, we may see eight of every 10 phones sold in the US being smartphones –

* 38% of smartphone owners have used their smartphone to make a purchase at least once – ComScore

* Well-known retailers, including Amazon, Wal-Mart, Target, JC Penney and countless others are building out their mobile commerce efforts. These brands realize that their future is intimately tied to dominating commerce in mobile –

So what are your Mobile marketing plans for this year, and do they include developing Mobile micro-sites?

Mobile micro-site opportunity is ready to explode

According to Gartner, by 2013 more users will turn to their Mobile devices for online purposes rather than using their PCs.  We see by the numbers that it’s already happening. This past month of December, consumers used their Smartphones and Tablets instead of laptops and desktops for e-Commerce shopping at an increasing rate.

The IBM Benchmark found that 14.6% of all online sessions on retailers’ sites were initiated from a mobile device, more than double the rate of 5.6% during the same period in 2010.

The Launch Pad for Mobile . . . Micro-Site Marketing

Before you build an enterprise mobile experience for your consumers, we recommend that you first build and test Mobile using micro-sites.  This will enable you to see the current mobile user profile so you invest wisely in your enterprise system.

But the power of micro-site marketing is not in creating one micro-site. As we all have learned with more traditional online marketing, the success of micro-site marketing is in the creation of many targeted sites and optimizing each of them. That’s when it really pays off.  The challenge for us marketers is in having the ability to create and optimize numerous, targeted micro-sites easily within the context of everything else we’re now doing.  Where do we find the time and budget?

Mobile micro-sites multiply your market presence

ShoppeSimple can help you easily and affordably create and optimize targeted Mobile micro-sites which are built with minimal resources required by your IT team. Powerful measurement tools are provided to track the success of each micro-site too.

So right now (before your competitor jumps in) let ShoppeSimple help you develop and optimize the use of Mobile micro-site(s), all of which will drive Mobile traffic back to your website (mobile enabled or otherwise) for transaction processing.

We will provide you an initial Free Trial Period and the appropriate time to do your own testing so you feel comfortable moving forward.

To start your ShoppeSimple Trial simply connect with me at or ring me up at 952-349-2740

Best wishes for a successful 2012



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