Finding Candidates from the Social Mob

Can you easily answer (within minutes) the number of visitors coming to your Career Pages and from where they are coming from?

Can you easily answer (within in minutes) the number of Applies you have per month and which source did they come from?

Do you know your defection rate? If you did you could change your Talent Acquisition model.

A case study…

When we first began working with this client, SourceMob On-Demand Analytics showed the client that they have 5,600 unique visitors coming to their Career Home Page monthly. Prior to working with SourceMob they had know knowledge of this important metric.

The client receives approximately 250 Applies per month as it is reported through their ATS (Applicant Tracking System).

So what does this look like to an analytic wonk like myself…they hade a Candidate Defection Rate (CDR) of 250/5,600 or 95.5% at the start of the SourceMob program. That means 95.5 people out of 100 who came to their Career Home page just immediately left. No Applies and with no Applies certainly no Hires.

The client also spent $6,000 a month to generate this traffic or $1.09 per visitor and $24 per Apply.

So how do you lower the cost per hire and increase your ROI?

What would happen if you could and would stop the Defection Rate by just 10%?

Well if you could accomplish getting just 25 more Applies per month your per Apply cost would go down to $21.81 or a 20% reduction in Cost Per Apply (CPA). I believe all of us would enjoy that metric and so would your CFO.

If you have been frustrated by increasing Apply costs, increasing cost Per Hire Costs, wanting to eliminate recruiter commissions and wanting to also decrease  Career Site defection SourceMob has some compelling answers for you to consider.

  • SourceMob Candidate Direct
  • SourceMob Conversations and Talent Community
  • SourceMob Mobile Recruiting

SourceMob Candidate Direct: where your jobs and conversations go directly to your Candidates Personal Facebook Page both privately and anonymously. You Candidate selects the jobs they want by job category, relevancy and location and then daily SourceMob delivers these jobs (right from your ATS) directly to your Candidates without any involvement by your IT or HR team. You also do not take on more responsibility as the SourceMob program works totally on Autopilot.

SourceMob Conversations and Talent Community: Has your career pages been struggling with the Defection Rates like I shared above. Today the Defection Rate is improving every month and the client is saving significant dollars as their Apply rates are also growing. So how are we helping the client using SourceMob Conversations? Instead of forcing candidates through your ATS funnel to apply before you see them, candidates can now connect with you through our Conversation Solutions without going through your ATS? The result is your recruiters can engage the best and brightest talent and then escort them into an Apply. That is certainly a Talent Acquisition pivot for our clients who want to net Passive Candidates using SourceMob Conversations and Talent Community.

Mobile Recruiting: Currently more than 10% of Candidates accessing our clients Career Website and Social Network pages are doing so from a mobile and tablet device.  Our Mobile Recruiting solution brings your jobs directly to your mobile enabled candidates those who want to also share them with their mobile contacts.  Morgan Stanley predicts that by 2014 50% of all ecommerce transactions will be done on a mobile or tablet device. Just how long do you believe it will take you Gen Y and other candidates to insist they see your jobs on their mobile and tablet platforms?

Next Steps….

We would welcome showing you how all three of these Social and Mobile Talent Acquisition solutions are working for our clients and how they will also work for your business. In fact, to prove the point, we would like to offer a BETA off all three of these Social Conversational Services to 3 businesses who are the first to contact us from this email. Simple send me an email to with BETA in the subject header or call me at 612-349-2740.