Candidates Opinions & Trusted Referrals Matter

…HR ideas from Jeffery Giesener – CEO – SourceMob

According to a recent LightSpeed Research study, most consumers consult the Internet while researching products and services, with online reviews and referrals playing a vital role.

During the purchasing process price comparison may well be the most popular research activity online, with 75 percent of those surveyed by LightSpeed Research having compared prices online in the last six months. However, the online opinions, referrals and experiences of other consumers play a vital role, too, for many (61 percent).

Now identifying the consumer buying behavior above let’s take a look how Candidates behave. How they expect to find jobs and engagement opportunities on today’s Career Websites. The majority of candidates start to search for a job by using search engines to find job reviews, referrals and specific job content.

So influential are the opinions of others that over two-thirds (67 percent) of candidates would be deterred from applying if they were to encounter two or three negative candidate or past employee reviews, also found in LightSpeed’s survey.

In fact, a quarter (24 percent) said they had changed their mind about working for a company after reading two bad reviews.

So what are you doing to stimulate ‘Trusted Referrals?’

What are doing to make your future candidates comfortable with your Career Brand?

Are you grasping the incredible power of reviews and more importantly, ‘Trusted Referrals?‘ You should be deeply integrating referrals into every career page or content feed from your multi-touch point network and as such, also make them an integral part of your recruiting engine for employees and candidates.

Why do reviews and trusted referrals work so well? For the first time online, social and mobile candidates are in total control of their own job engagement experience and want to see only relevant job information that is of interest to them. As you may have guessed, every day more and more candidates are opting-out of traditional “Push-N-Pray” recruiting efforts and have now opted into the new world of “Pull-and-Apply” HR marketing efforts.

  • Pull candidates receive only the content they want. They allow targeted and highly relevant job content of their choosing to reach them. (Career Notifications)
  • Place. Your job offers and/or content (and in some cases your Career Website) should go where your candidates are. You only have to look at the growth of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and mobile to know the candidate world is no longer hanging out or exclusively coming back to your Career Website to view your jobs and engage with your Recruiters.
  • Apply. Through our SourceMob analytics we see candidates across a variety of industries applying only after relying on Social Sharing, while also feeling better about your brand.
  • Share. Now with one click, employees and candidates can easily move your job offers and content to their Facebook friends, followers on Twitter, circles on Google+ and level one contacts on LinkedIn. Candidates can also email their contact list, text their address book or print out an application and bring it into your store.

You should be making all of these options easy and efficient for your candidates not in 2016 but today. Leveraginb Social Sharing will enable new Talent Communities to organically grow and drive new candidate flow for your recruiting departments, all at proven lower costs than traditional recruiting.

Using “Trusted Referrals” for your Recruiters, candidates and employees alike, your business through embracing social and mobile networks will continue to grow at new levels of talent growth. Just imagine the exponential leverage of that HR marketing opportunity and its selling power.

So why not give Social and Mobile Sharing a try?

You will be up and running in less than 90 days.

What could be simpler than that! Just give me a call at 952-417-6955 or email and we will get into a virtual discussion to explore what you are doing now, discuss your recruiting gaps and how we can help your social and mobile recruiting efforts.

ABOUT SOURCEMOB™: SourceMob links Internet, social, talent community and mobile recruiting solutions to help talent acquisition professionals recruit the very best candidates for tough-to-fill positions. SourceMob software distributes job content and conversations providing a job posting springboard to over 3.5 million candidate profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and all of the major search engines. Our solutions also enable Mobile Quick Apply and candidate application management services to create efficiencies and lower recruiting costs.

Looking forward to hearing from you…



Jeffery Giesener


Twitter: @thegies
