Why Not?…ideas from ShoppeSimple Network

Last week was an exciting and interesting week after participating in more sales meetings than anytime in the Company’s history. There was a tremendous amount of learning from these sessions and I thought my notes from these visits would be of benefit to you as well. My conclusions in many ways were not surprising and they are also typical of what we see happening in the Social and Mobile space as marketers-as-brands try to deal and/or cope with the monumental marketing challenges being thrust upon them today.

At The ShoppeSimple Network we not only assist in providing you with answers to these challenges, we help drive more incremental revenue to your Social and Mobile Commerce channels. We help your business think strategically about where you should be going and how you should be getting there. That is exactly what “Ideas from The ShoppeSimple Network” weekly blog intends to do.

We educate our audiences on the best practices of Social and Mobile Media. We do not look to replace your social and mobile efforts, just enhance them.

Reserve your spot in our April Webinar. Using Social and Mobile Analytics As Your GPS To Drive More Social Commerce To Your Business. Wednesday April 20th at 2 ET by clicking here.

In preparation for these meetings, my due diligence took me to http://www.compete.com where I sized the client’s opportunities from a year to year Unique and Repeat Visitor perspective. I then reviewed each of the respective websites looking for their social icons like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube and their page positioning. I also looked and tested the site’s Mobile Apps.  From there I reviewed their Facebook Like number,  and whether they had even built a Facebook Store. Next, I went to Twitter and looked at what the brand presence looked/felt like and whether there was a robust presence there. Then onto YouTube to understand how the brands were using YouTube?

By the way…when was the last time you ran your own social and mobile test drive as I did above?

Conclusion: The State of the Social Nation; Not Pretty…

Why not check off what your site findings looks like on each point below then call/ping me 612-349-2740 or sales@shoppesimplenetwork.com and we will be happy to assist you in building a Social and Mobile strategy and execution plan for your business. Trust me, it is affordable and worth your time to do it. Why Not?

Findings: Declining year after year Compete numbers on most of the sites we spoke with.

Answer: Look at the growth of Facebook, Twitter and Mobile. Where do you think your consumers are hanging out when Facebook makes up more than 12.8% of all time spent online? If this is the case how are you touching consumers in this new and changing social and increasingly mobile environment? How are you engaging with them, listening to them and conversing with them? Or are you just falling back to the traditional methods of Push-N-Pray marketing in these new channels? Hitting consumers with the same technique…hitting consumers with a fire hose of product offers? A fire hose of unfiltered product offers. Consumers want relevant content delivered when and where they are at. Your website must now go to them and not the other way around. But most importantly you must deliver relevant and targeted offers to them. Are you doing this? How do you plan to do this?

Findings: Social/Mobile Icons are given basement space, far below the fold, despite their increasing popularity and huge market share.  Jeff, I do not believe findings can be formed as a question.

Answer: I do not believe this has been answered.  By working with The ShoppeSimple Network we help you harness the power of Social/Mobile by guiding you through our Best Practices on placement, socialization and promotion.

Let The ShoppeSimple Network help you build the “Right” social platforms and determine positioning and you will see a minimum 10X increase in social captures.  Why Not Test Us?

What I found most surprising in my due diligence is that sites are now moving their email capture to the bottom of their pages. Here is another question…why would you take the marketing channel that is the least costly, probably one of your highest revenue channels and also one of the new drivers to your social efforts and constrain your email captures by putting the email capture below the fold?

Findings: More of the same Push-N-Pray marketing on Facebook pages for those who have built a Facebook Store. I just don’t get why you would continue to Push products like you always have in Social and Mobile? Products that are irrelevant or un-targeted for your consumers? Just because you have product on your website doesn’t mean it is relevant to your consumer in their social spaces.

Answer: There is a tidal wave of change that your business is experiencing around the fact that your consumer wants to control the offers they receive and where they want to receive them. Push unwanted offers at your consumer and watch them change their advertising channel.

To this point, check your “time on page” stats over the last couple of years and you may see that they have already changed the channel.

Take the “time on page” negative change multiplied by the number of visitors per year multiplied by order conversions and you will find out what your negative impact on sales is. Analytics don’t lie.

At The ShoppeSimple Network we have perfected Pull-Place-Buy-Share™ marketing where consumers preselect the offers that are of interest and place them on the social/mobile media of their choice. By doing this consumers tend to buy more because these offers are of interest – highly targeted – which increases their likelihood to share them with friends on social and mobile. Why Not… try us for this reason alone? We guarantee you will be successful with Social and Mobile Commerce.

Findings: Merchants typically have ½% of Facebook likes compared to their UV Count. Many of which do not even have Facebook presence or further to that point a Facebook Store.

Answer: Other priorities…X?!%$#??

If that is your thinking or doing just outsource your Facebook program to The ShoppeSimple Network and we will make you money on Facebook…It is also guaranteed with our ShoppeSocial program. Why not?

Findings: The use of Twitter is low to non-existent for some merchants.

Answer: Twitter is the biggest social platform opportunity that is being missed by brand merchants today. Of course, Tweets fly by like jets dotting the globe, but the opportunity is to figure out how to harness the power of Twitter marketing to your consumers not to mention its use for customer service, and to distribute your content/offers using tools like Bit.ly is very critical to social marketers. Yet, I haven’t found a merchant who is using both effectively. Remember there are now over 200 Million consumers using Twitter and they are your customers.

Findings: Despite the rapid growth of m-commerce, many merchants do not have a solid m-commerce plan devised and/or implemented. What consumers can see from your site, regarding how to use mobile to shop with you in my due diligence, is mostly non-existent or worse.

Answer: Using our ShoppeMobi enablement SaaS your ShoppeHub page will enable all your consumers to use any smartphone platform to shop with you. And you don’t have to spend six figures to get there; just a very affordable monthly subscription fee. Just call us to discuss. Why Not?

At The ShoppeSimple Network what we do best is first help you think through the strategies behind your social and mobile commerce approaches. First and foremost, we are not here to replace your Social/Mobile efforts or your teams. We are here to provide additional resources and tools to make your business successful in these new social and marketing environments.

Plus as a cooperative business, your business benefits from the learning of the entire cooperative. We prevent you from making the mistakes others have made in this space. We provide positive marketing ideas that will help you leap frog in social and mobile.

In essence, just like you use a trusted third party to do merge/purge or to clear and place media, we act as a “Trusted Referral” partner for your business to reach more of your Social and Mobile consumers. These consumers use your branded social and mobile enabled bridging page (ShoppeHub) within The ShoppeSimple Network to enable your business to reach new consumer Likes, Followers, mobile and email contacts of your consumers.

The power of The ShoppeSimple Network model is that consumers can enjoy lurking and find relevant offers without having to give up their personal data or signing in with their email address, as we are a pure-permission, anonymous network for consumers who love to shop. Consumers trust us so they will also trust your business.  Plus all of the transactions are done on your site so all credit cards are secured and their data is protected according to your Privacy Policy.

The proven results are more Social and Mobile Commerce business from your customers and a new channel of consumers who buy from you. You will also benefit from higher average orders and more order frequency.

•    So how and when are you going to be making investments in social and mobile?

•    Why don’t you just simply test into these markets?

•    We all know we vest in our tried and true marketing channels but why would we allow them to prevent you from trying new things?

•    Are your internal resources too vested in trying new things?

•    If you do not move and you are not the top three in your market space you could soon be in last position.

Why not give The ShoppeSimple Network a test? What do you really have to lose? You can NOW test The ShoppeSimple Network Absolutely Free for a month to see for yourself what our other clients have seen;

1. More Social and Mobile Business.

2. Higher Average Orders

3. More Order Frequency and More Customer Loyalty.

What we do really well is drive incremental and new Social and Mobile consumers to your business and you will see this happen in less than 30 days.  Simply click above and fill out the simple form to start your Trial.

There are no strings attached. When you are satisfied and want to start the program we will work out an affordable monthly subscription program (based on your business size) without commission or implementation fees of any kind.

I am often asked why doesn’t every business just try The ShoppeSimple Network? Well, it wasn’t always like this but now 100’s of business are joining and for good reason our business works for them and makes them money.

Now it is your turn. We guarantee it. Why Not?

