When Is Your Company Makings Its Move?

… ideas from Jeffery Giesener – SourceMob.com – CEO

Did you know that ninety-two percent of American children, under the age of two, have an online presence according to a study from AVG?  Often, photos of babies are uploaded and shared on sites like Facebook, Flickr, and other social sharing sites.

But the question is… do you have conversations going on with their parents who in many cases are your future Passive Candidates? Have you even thought about it in that way?

In recent meetings SourceMob has had with prospective medium and large companies,  some have indicated that they are just not ready to pursue Social Recruiting. They respond to our questions around the “why not” by saying, there is just no way we can achieve Social Recruiting with all that is on our plate or it is just not a priority for us at the moment. Well we say… if not now, then when? Six months from now is an eternity, just ask Facebook, Google, Apple and Twitter  why they do not wait.

Do you think they can afford to wait?

Do you think they believe their markets are a not a priority?

Finally, you just have to look around at your competition to see what the industry is exploring, testing and executing with new solutions in Talent Acquisition using Social and Mobile Recruiting solutions.

Recent statistics share that 52% of medium-sized businesses and 47% of large companies are engaged in Social Recruiting and this is stretching well beyond just the use of LinkedIn.

Now perhaps you are thinking… I can’t get my IT department to move as they tell me there are already too many IT projects in their queue…Don’t worry, that’s not a problem either.SourceMob is all about helping Talent Acquisition Professionals and your team to build Social Recruiting Career Pages on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Mobile and distribute your jobs and conversations into these Career Pages without the use of internal IT resources or the use of your Talent Acquisition resources.

Also what separates us from other solutions you may be hearing about is the fact we don’t hit your Candidates with a fire hose of jobs on Social through unsophisticated Apps. SourceMob delivers the Candidate’s online experience that is appreciated and highly personalized. Your Candidate can even preselect to view your jobs and conversations privately on their Personal Profile Pages on Facebook and Mobile.

All of this helps you lower your Cost Per Hire through Social Candidate recruiting and the use of our proprietary Recruiting Solutions along with our Social Analytics and Insights.

To learn more about SourceMob.com visit our website and check out the videos. You will learn how we deliver Social Recruiting to where your Active and Passive Candidates are, seamlessly and easily…

So isn’t it time to stop “kicking the Social Can Down The Field and GET IN THE GAME?” Your competition is.

I would welcome the opportunity to personally show you how SourceMob can net Passive and Active Candidates in some of the toughest recruiting areas (IT, Nursing, R&D, etc.) by helping you to reduce paying recruiting commissions. Let’s schedule a virtual appointment at your convenience. Simply reach me by email at jeff@sourcemob.com or by phone at 612-349-2740.



Jeffery Giesener





Twitter: @sourcemob
