…ideas from Jeffery Giesener – SourceMob.com – CEO
Did you know that the highest grossing action movie of all time is The Avengers, which brought together four superheroes as a single team? Today’s top Talent Professionals recognize the importance of finding and building great teams. They also recognize that the key way to build superpower teams is to use HR marketing to net the best and brightest candidates.
You know that your top-tier candidates are more connected, engaged, empowered and more social than ever before. But what is rapidly changing is your best candidates spend a ton of time looking for jobs on mobile devices than ever before. It is a trend that isn’t going away. So if you want to win their hearts and minds of your top-tier candidates, you have to place your HR marketing efforts wherever your candidates are on the web, mobile “on the go” and through social portals like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.
To make sure you know what is working and what isn’t you need to have solid third-party analytic reporting solution hooked into your career, social and mobile career sites. You also need to drive the process so your HR staff (not marketing) can collect, analyze and report on the key performance metrics (KPI) of your talent acquisition processes in real time. If you aren’t making this a priority you are loosing tons of money through a talent budget you just can’t see.
To be a Superhero Talent Acquisition Pro here are 3 things you should be working on now:
1. Stop Talking and Start Listening…
The best HR Pros are amazing listeners. You candidates want a voice in today’s recruiting channel. They want to determine how, when and where they will engage with your organization. And frankly you need to now put your recruiting efforts where you candidates are. That means if you are not on social and mobile channels your top candidates will go elsewhere and that could mean a competitor.
2. Be Part Of The Conversation…
Thanks to social and mobile media, the number of conversations about your jobs, your company, culture and the sharing among your candidates and employees has exploded exponentially. Today’s tweet about your organization’s talent acquisition can easily be tomorrow’s headline. As a brand, how does your Talent Acquisition Team participate in the hundreds, thousands, or even millions, of these conversations? My hope is your don’t spend time talking about yourselves. Instead, you should be creating the environment, make connections, and stimulate conversations that get everyone else talking.
3. Follow Up On Your Conversations…
2-way engagement is the key to HR marketing. That means HR marketing isn’t just about pushing jobs in front of your candidates. It is about using great new technology to create conversations with your candidates. That means using a talent community, career alerts and chat to engage with your best-qualified candidates in real time. Next develop follow-up communication campaigns that target candidates where they are (social and mobile), and by specific audience segment.
What’s your superpower story?
Fill out the comment section below and share your companies superpowers.
I would be happy to have a phone conversation or email discussion regarding where you would like your recruiting to be going in 2015.
Simply email me at jeff@sourcemob.com, or ring me up at 612-349-2740. Also check out the SourceMob Education Series for April. Go to sourcemob.com see the Events Area on the right side of the home page.
ABOUT SOURCEMOB™: SourceMob links Internet, social, talent community and mobile recruiting solutions to help talent acquisition professionals recruit the very best candidates for tough-to-fill positions. SourceMob software distributes job content and conversations providing a job posting springboard to over 3.5 million candidate profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and all of the major search engines. Our solutions also enable Mobile Quick Apply and candidate application management services to create efficiencies and lower recruiting costs.
Looking forward to hearing from you…
Jeffery Giesener
Adapted from a post by Mark Bonchek and Cara France