Talent Tips: The Importance of Mobile Recruiting

by Jeffery Giesener

87% of Connected Device Sales by 2017 Will Be Tablets and Smartphones 

The latest round of tablet, smartphone and PC forecasts from IDC, the market intelligence firm, shows how rapidly tablets and large-screen (5+ inch) smartphones are redefining the market.

These forecasts also underscore how the majority of talent acquisition organizations need to better plan how to provide a better mobile candidate experience and improve on mobile defection.

Enterprises Not Ready for the Pace of Mobile Change

The bottom line is that the majority of enterprises today aren’t prepared for the pace of change that the IDC forecasts predict.

Candidates are already demanding the ability to view and apply to jobs on their mobile devices. In fact, Google indicates that 70% of their job related searches are being done on a mobile device. Unfortunately too many companies are still struggling with the decision on how and when to approach mobile recruiting.