My Passive Candidate Said To Me

…ideas from Jeffery Giesener – – CEO

My Passive Candidate said to me I would like…your jobs to come to me…

Is your company still holding off putting together your Social Recruiting Strategy? Or worse… has it not even prioritized Social Recruiting for your business?

In a recent AVN Survey nearly 47% of large companies had a Social Recruiting Strategy, but only 20% are actively working in Social Recruiting beyond LinkedIn.

So what are the other 53% doing?

They are struggling on their own to figure out how to make Social Recruiting work for them.

Plus if your company is like some very large companies we have talked too recently, they have said…well we have just not figured out when, how and why we need to enter Social Recruiting.

And SourceMob’s polite push back is, help us understand how your Brand today could not be taking advantage of searching for your top Passive Candidates in global social talent pools such as:

Facebook – 1 Billion+ profiles

Twitter – 200 Million+ profiles

Google+ – 400 Million estimated by the end of 2012

LinkedIn – 175 Million Profiles

And Mobile – with already 3.5 Billion mobile phones in the market

Don’t you believe Social Recruiting is already being done by your competitors? You can bet they will beat you to the top Candidates if you continue to dawdle.

Plus Social Candidates want to find relevant jobs on these social platforms.

The rules of Talent Acquisition are changing. You only have to look over the trends in the last 8 years.  Talent Acquisition has migrated from analog recruiting (phone, newspaper ads), to Internet Recruiting (job boards, Job Aggregators), and now to Social Networks starting in 2005.

Also, if you are looking to aggregate Likes, Followers and Circles as a way to judge your social recruiting performance, you have fallen into the common social performance trap. Likes, Follows and Circles are anonymous data components, which drive ROI for Facebook, Twitter and Google+, but unfortunately not for your Talent Acquisition opportunities. That is the social fallacy and why your Social Talent Acquisition program may not be getting the ROI you need.

Yes…we hear this all the time from prospective clients: Social Recruiting is not generating the ROI and therefore it is withering on the vine and/or slowly dying a painful death within these companies. And worse yet, if it dies, it most likely will never be jump started again. Why is this happening? Because in most cases, the strategy and road map around Likes, Followers and Circles captures and aggregations are flawed. And worse, there was never was a proper social strategy and road map to success to begin with!  

So you need to be thinking about how to find socially enabled Candidates and engage them in social conversations- not by pushing a fire hose of jobs at them in social, which by the way in most cases, are totally irrelevant to them. This was also the old legacy model of years past.

Today’s Candidates want to select the jobs and locations that they have an interest in and then want your conversations and jobs delivered to them on their preferred Social and Mobile Network pages. In fact, most Candidates prefer to have their selected jobs delivered to their Personal Pages where they can remain anonymous and private. This approach is ideal for the Passive Candidate and perfect for you to find them.

Note: Don’t make the mistake of just pushing jobs by latest post date with no categorization into Social Networks and their timelines. Is this a preferred user experience? NO!

Also, don’t hang your Social Job sign out on your Company Social Marketing Page. If you do, your new social Candidates will simple tune you out.

To leverage Social Recruiting, enable your Candidates to use simple sharing tools, which will deliver your jobs to their social friends on multiple networks with one easy click. Remember for socially enabled Candidates, sharing is the new giving. Social Candidates also want to make sure that their sharing and data are kept private and not shared with third-party Internet sites (so stay away from using ShareThis, AddThis and SocialTwist for Candidate Recruiting).   

SourceMob has been studying Social and Mobile behaviors for years now.  We help our clients develop and steer their social road map which helps reduce Talent Acquisition defection, provides a better Candidate application experience and which ultimately all drives higher Apply rates.  We also provide your Passive Candidate with a unique experience where the jobs and locations they select are delivered to their Personal Social and Mobile Network pages.

So isn’t it time to stop “kicking the Social Can Down The Field and GET IN THE GAME”? Your competition is.

I would welcome the opportunity to personally show you how SourceMob can net Passive and Active Candidates in some of the toughest recruiting areas (IT, Nursing, R&D, etc.) by helping you to reduce paying recruiting commissions, decreasing ATS defections and increase your Apply rate.

Let’s schedule a virtual appointment at your convenience. Simply reach me by email at or by phone at 612-349-2740.



Jeffery Giesener



Twitter: @sourcemob