ShoppeSimple was in the news again here in the Twin Cities. Finance & Commerce published a profile of the emerging mobile marketing company MixMobi — ShoppeSimple will be one of two early licensors of MixMobi technology for mobile coupon:
“One of them is Twin Cities-based RSSCheck, whose allows merchant to offer promotions to a targeted audience using RSS or Really Simple Syndication. Consumers get RSS offers on their mobile devices, through social media, on personal home pages set up through Google, for example. One reason that RSSCheck chose MixMobi for its ShoppeSimple service is its broad focus on all mobile devices.
““Where many marketers and mobile coupon services are just focusing on iPhone and Droid, MixMobi works on a wide range of mobile browsers, so we can address iPhone and Droid users plus the other 90 percent of the mobile market,” said John Hogie, chief technology officer for RSSCheck/ShoppeSimple, via e-mail.”
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