Increasing your email frequency for Holiday?

From Jeffery Giesener – CEO – ShoppeSimple

In the holiday selling season, the most frantic and exciting time of the year, it’s a good time to put aside your marketing plan and your email strategy and just blast out mailings to everyone you’ve ever had on any list you’ve ever put together. Right?


What we just described is a mistake that many e-marketers make, and it’s never a good idea. On the contrary: This is the time to follow your customers wishes even more carefully, because your customers are getting inundated with email now — both wanted and unwanted — and it’s not going to take much for them to reach their tipping-point and say, “Enough!”

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Normal Marketing Practices Aren’t Working Anymore…

At ShoppeSimple we don’t think doing more of the same is the answer.  Every day, through the ShoppeSimple program your consumers permit you to market to them by self-selecting highly targeted product offers that they want to know about and have you deliver them to their Social communities and mobile Smartphones.

With the marketing change that is going on by just looking at the growth of Facebook, YouTube, Bing and Mobile is that consumers are taking control of how they want to be communicated too, when and  where.

Taking a New Level of Ownership of How a Consumer Buys

Some quick questions…

  • Where have you placed your Social Icons?
  • Are they at the footer of your website and emails?
  • Have you thought about what message does this send to socially conscious consumer?
  • Why did you put your Icons there?
  • What does what you are not doing in social say to consumers?
  • And those who are your consumers and who are totally into Social can they find you?
  • Can they buy from you under their terms not the old push a catalog of product at them terms?

But one thing you don’t want them thinking about your business is I guess they don’t care about me.

For merchants who have been thinking about working with ShoppeSimple, perhaps the hardest part of getting started is simply getting you to think differently about your business and for you to try something that’s different.

The holiday season will tempt you to become more frantic in your marketing efforts to grab a piece of the lucrative seasonal pie. You deserve your part — but claim it in a way that is consistent with your consumer’s wishes.  Let ShoppeSimple help you reach new unbudgeted sales and new consumers who are frankly want you to communicate with them..their way.

In fact we are so sure that you will be successful in the ShoppeSimple program,

We’ll guarantee your satisfaction with the work we do and the positive impact it will have on your business, or you don’t pay us a dime.

ShoppeSimple is a  software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution that enables the consumer to pre-select merchants and their offers and have them delivered to their Social Media Community and Mobile Smartphone .  As such we enable the merchant to deliver product information and offers to consumers who are engaged and looking to buy multiple times a day, 365 days a week. The portal provides consumer a simple and efficient way to engage with merchant without having to give up their digital data.

Jeffery Giesener, Founder, Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer of ShoppeSimple, LLC. Mr. Giesener has been the CEO/President or SVP for some of the largest companies in the digital space, including DoubleClick, Paul Fredrick, Harriet Carter, and HealthRite. He has both public and private company experience, including 25+ years of experience running direct/Internet marketing companies