HR Marketing is Not Rocket Science…

…HR ideas from Jeffery Giesener – CEO –

In last weeks Blog Posts, I mentioned how the HR Marketing in your Talent Acquisition Department is like a three-legged stool, with the legs being “message”, “target market” and “medium”:

Message – what you say

Market – to whom you say it

Medium – how you get the message to the market

… unfortunately virtually every Talent Acquisition Pro gets it wrong because they do it in the wrong order.

(It’s not just random… There’s a right way and a wrong way to do your HR Marketing to find niche candidates for your talent pipelines)…

Most Recruiters choose the “MEDIUM”, which is exactly the WRONG place to start.

Before you even begin to think about what MEDIUM you’re going to use to reach your potential candidates you need to be able to answer the unspoken question that every single one of your potential candidates will be asking:

“Why should I work at your organization? What is in it for me (WFIM) to join your Company? Why should I work with you as a Recruiter? And why you over your competitors?”

The answer to those questions is your main “MESSAGE“, in a nutshell.

If you can’t answer those questions, or your answer is just something like “we are the #1 Company or Brand in our Industry” or “because I’ve been recruiting for 5-10 years”, then you have a serious problem…

Because none of those are real answers.

(Especially since every other recruiter or company will be saying exactly the same thing)…

So the first thing you have to do is wrack your brains and come up with a compelling answer to that all-important question…

You need something that makes you not only different but also BETTER than the other leading Brand/Company in your field…

HR Marketing Is Not Rocket Science...

But it does mean a. you have to do some work; and b. you have to do some things you’re just not used to doing. And that’s always uncomfortable so you’ll go looking for all sorts of reasons not to do it.

Don’t make that mistake…

It’s not optional.

It’s something you’ll need to do if you EVER want your candidate pipelines to reach their full potential…

And if you’re not able to convincingly answer the question “Why should I come to work at your company?”

Don’t be surprised when your best candidates many of them passive find multiple reasons not to and end up coming to your interviews or joining your Company…

However don’t fear. Since I know many of you are stressed for time and many of you lack internal resources or do not know the how too’s to get your HR Marketing ducks in a row… this is exactly why you should contact me to assist your Team efforts. My HR Marketing experts can be your outsourced team to get your candidates wanting to work for you and your company. To learn how any why – just give me a ring at 952-417-6955 or email me


But the bottom line is now is the time to launch your HR Marketing strategy… And yes – you can also do it yourself…Here’s How!

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More than 6 Great Educational HR Marketing Webinars – Plus Many Bonuses!!

#RecruitingRocket BootCamp-2 – Starts December 2nd.

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Week #4 – Facebook for Recruiting – Leverage the World’s LARGEST Candidate Portal Week 5 – Google+ Learn How To Use Hidden Ocean Of Candidates

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ABOUT SOURCEMOB:  We are the Leaders in Web, Social, Mobile and HR Marketing Education!        

SourceMob integrates Internet, social, talent community, HR Analytics, social listening solutions, HR Marketing Services and mobile recruiting solutions to help talent acquisition professionals recruit the very best candidates for tough-to-fill positions. SourceMob’s solutions seamlessly integrate and distribute conversations, engagement and job content, all done on autopilot, providing a job posting springboard to over 3.5 million candidate profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, plus all of the major search engines. We help you engage with your candidates and capture niche passive candidates. Our solutions also enable Mobile Quick Apply and candidate application management services to create more efficiency and lower recruiting costs. You won’t need your IT Team or HR Department to implement them. That is the beauty and ease of the SourceMob platform.

Looking forward to seeing you one of my many Educational Webinars.


Jeffery Giesener



Twitter: @thegies



Post by Terry Edwards edit for HCM by Jeffery Giesener