Doing Social Right…ideas from ShoppeSimple

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From: Jeffery Giesener – CEO – ShoppeSimple

Are you looking for a quick return from your investments in Social and Mobile Commerce? Have your efforts to date given you muscle cramps? As a result, are you considering delaying your social/mobile plans or stopping altogether because you’ve experienced little or no ROI to date?

But you know you can’t pause or push the stop button because Social/Mobile Commerce are on a trajectory for a positive collision that will forever change the online marketing space. In fact, you know this collision course has already begun. But your struggling on how do you get your share of today’s social/mobile consumer’s wallet?

Let me take a guess at why you’ve struggled and give you some answers below…

At ShoppeSimple we do not see social marketing as simply finding another platform (Facebook/Twitter/Mobile) for pushing a fire hose of products through the historic model of “Push” product marketing. Nor do we agree with pushing thousands or tend of thousands of products to your consumer on your merchant Facebook/Twitter/Mobile pages means you have won your first social battle.

Why…well just ask yourself what are my sales from my Facebook/Twitter and Mobile efforts to date?  Are they meeting plan and/or objectives? Ahh…do I need to say more?

So at ShoppeSimple, we know “Push” marketing doesn’t make your business Social. The “Push” no longer works like it did only a few years and it certainly doesn’t connect your business to your social and mobile consumers. Why is this? Well ask yourself, will my consumer get excited about sharing your products when you have forced them to hunt through 225 product items.  Do you want your business to be “old school” or “new school”

You have to remember that Social/Mobile has moved the playing field where your consumer is in control and your brand is not.

But, that doesn’t mean for a second you can’t make sales along with tons of profit from your social and mobile commerce efforts. At ShoppeSimple we are making profits for our clients everyday, in fact one of our clients in 14 days did over $300,000 (not through channel shift) in Social sales.

What we coach our client first and foremost is that they must be willing to innovate and put on a new pair of marketing sneakers (we say sneakers because the sheer speed at which social and mobile is moving). Then you must be willing to test and DUMP the “old school” marketing methods that are working less and less today. Why…because consumers are now in control and analytic models must determine new social/mobile metrics by brand engagement and viral sharing. Metrics that are difficult or next to impossible to track with current analytic programs. However at ShoppeSimple we track all of these new brand engagement metrics as part of the base subscription fee so you will know exactly how your program is doing from a revenue and visitation perspective because we built our own social analytics to do so.

The ShoppeSimple Program provides your business with social tools that engage with your Social/Mobile consumers and this results in increased consumer loyalty, brand building and spending. The results of the program also lead to higher social/mobile average orders, more frequency of ordering and higher Lifetime Value.  We do all of this in an innovative way deploying 15 social and mobile environments we call the “Hub and Spoke” approach to Social/Mobile Commerce. And all 15 components are part of the ShoppeSimple base program. Plus we never charge an percent order commission or “toll”. This way you get to leverage all of our social components to grow your business without concern for costs.

We call this social marketing innovation “Pull and Place™”. Where consumers “Pull” your offers of their choosing and “Place” them in any one of the major social and mobile environments.

“We don’t have a choice on whether to do Social and Mobile Commerce but the only question is how well we do it.” Erik Qualman –author Socialnomics

I’d recommend that we set up a time over the phone where we can get to know your specific online objectives.  With that understanding we can begin to design a Social and Mobile Commerce program that will fit your company’s unique situation and strategy.


To start the process, just indicate your interest in a no-obligation phone discussion by replying to this email and we will be in touch with you to start the process immediately.

Best Regards and Happy Holidays,
