Burning Heretics at the Stake…ideas from ShoppeSimple Network

Everyone is becoming interconnected and the lines between Social is Mobile or Mobile is Social are blurring at warp speed.

Social is Mobile

A recent survey conducted by Co-Tweet and ExactTarget on the Top 10 Motivations for Consumers to “Like” and Follow a Brand on Facebook are:

1. 40% want to receive discounts and promotions
2. 37% want to show support for the brand/company to their friends
3. 36% hope (want) to get free samples, a coupon (a.k.a. freebies)
4. 34% want to stay informed about the activities of the company
5. 33% want to get updates on future products
6. 30% want to get updates and information on future sales
7. 27% like to get fun and entertainment out of it
8. 25% want to get access to exclusive content (private content)
9. 22% mentioned they were referred by someone to follow the brand
10. 21% want just to learn more about the company

Mobile is Social

A study just released by ForeSee surveyed visitors to top e-retailer sites, found that 11% of them made a purchase using their phones in the 2010 holiday season, compared to only 2% at the same time last year. This was almost a  6 times increase!

30% of visitors used their phones to compare product details, look up prices, get deals, find coupons or store locations. In 2009, only 11% of consumers surveyed said they used their phones to do this kind of research. Shoppers who were highly satisfied with a retailer’s mobile experience were 30% more likely to buy from that retailer both online and offline.

Wow, would you have guessed it? Consumers actually like to use Social and Mobile for updates, deals, coupons, searches and brand information on future sales!

Just think what the numbers will be for social and m-commerce  by  next Holiday season? By the way, what steps are you taking to get your business ready for Social Commerce?

They burn Heretics at the stakes…

So who is going to be the Heretic for Social on your marketing team? The one who STANDS UP as the advocate for Social? Is it you? Shouldn’t it be you? If not YOU then WHO?

Who on your marketing team…

v Is going to slam their fist and ask why our social icons are buried at the bottom of our website?

v Will determine how our social consumers will even know how to engage with us?

v Will add something new to your marketing mix that will capture social commerce?

v Is devising a strategy to defend against the competitive threat of a social flanking strategy

The thermometer and the thermostat

A thermostat functions to establish and maintain a desired temperature. In business the thermostat maintains the status quo. Maintaining the status quo is always more comfortable. Bucking it always has risk. Doing little with Social marketing today is staying with the status quo.

A thermometer automatically signals a change in temperature (for our purposes business temperature). A business thermometer can reveal that something is wrong with the business. That something is wrong with the status quo. A business thermometer tells us when our order costs are too high, or that we are not servicing our consumers appropriately or our gross to net media dollars are either too high or too low. In traditional marketing the yellow, red, and green lights (your marketing dashboard) are your marketing thermometers. But now, I hope your business is moving away from traditional thermometers and into new ones. New thermometers called Social GPS.

Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light…or Social GPS

So what is you’re Social GPS telling you? Do you even have a Social GPS? Is it pointing your business in the right Social direction?

What is that annoying Australian GPS voice telling you about your Social business?

Are you: going straight ahead and on course, in need of a turn or do you need to reroute your Social business? To be successful in Social you must be prepared to enter your coordinates, steer correctly, be patient and stay the course. But you also must be nimble and flexible enough and to make the important and critical “on the fly” Social corrections as you listen and engage with your consumers. If you don’t your business could be heading for a Social ditch and so could your job.

As the leader in Social/Mobile SaaS solutions, The ShoppeSimple Network can help you develop your Social GPS, manage and optimize it. With The ShoppeSimple Network, there’s nothing to install, nothing to maintain, nothing to worry about…. its just plug and play.

To learn more check out shoppesimplenetwork.com

In just a brief conversation, we can assess the opportunity for your business to tap into social and mobile marketing and learn what our other clients have already experienced; making serious bucks. And you can get started with the program at an affordable rate, just $250 per month depending on your compete.com numbers with absolutely no commission “toll” or maintenance fees of any kind.

To learn how you can join the ShoppeSimple Network simply respond to this email or give me a call 612-349-2740.

Best Regards,


Jeffery Giesener


ShoppeSimple Network