…HR ideas from Jeffery Giesener – CEO – SourceMob.com – CEO
Companies should be studying their overall HRIS landscape and how it currently applies to Social and Mobile. I hope your HRIS doesn’t look like what we saw from a national retail brand we spoke with last week.
Here is what we found…
- A) An Enterprise ATS for hourly workers, another ATS for management and internal positions. What’s even worse is that their two separate ATS databases do not talk to each other. The result: Two ATS systems that are expensive to manage, candidate data that is in two places and as such is silo’d from recruiters and the candidate experience poor.
- B) Social Connections and Engagement. The company is using JobVite to push jobs from one ATS into Twitter. TweetMyJobs is used to distribute jobs from their other ATS into Facebook.
When candidates click on the jobs from either Twitter or Facebook they go back to either one of the ATS, depending on site mapping. Candidates also do not see the jobs on the Social Portals where they are hanging out. The result: Expensive and redundant job posting systems, poor candidate engagement and experiences. No social conversational opportunity.
- C) No job posting into Google+. The Result: Lost opportunity to engage over ½ billion profiles on Google+.
- D) Talent Community and CRM. Yes, they have an enterprise Talent Community and CRM system. However, neither of these systems have seamless connections to each other, making access to data difficult for recruiters. The data itself is also not connected to the other existing databases. The result: Six separated databases and counting. Extra recruiting expense – unhappy recruiters.
- E) Campaigns and Acknowledgements. Recruiters are challenged with connecting to candidates once they apply and candidates are not being the acknowledged. The result: Poor candidate experience, engagement and lack of HR branding.
- F) Mobile Candidate Apply. Now consider the last mile of the candidate application process when using a tablet or smartphone. You guessed it. This company’s application pages are not mobile responsive, nor can they take a mobile apply. The result: The candidate mobile application experience is just plain awful and is leading to measurable big-time candidate defection.
Did you know that Google says…70% of all searches are now (in 2015) done on a mobile device? ERE.net says ATS defection is at rates of 40-90% because of the lack of ease with mobile applies.
So how do your HRIS wires look when you review A-F?
How much redundant expense are you managing in your HR budget?
Yes…the company we spoke with has acknowledged all of this and it was frankly why they contacted us. They said, ”Enough is enough after being in one of our Webinars and told us we need to cut all these tangled wires and start fresh. We patched these wires together over the last 5 years” and now need a new ecosystem for our web, community, social and mobile recruiting.
Yes…there are solutions to eliminate all the crossed and tangled wires
SourceMob can solve all the issues above so there just isn’t any reason to have your HRIS wires crossed anymore!
To see a virtual presentation of the SourceMob Platform, Analytics and HR Media Services email me at jeff@sourcemob.com or ring me up at 952-417-6955.
To check out our latest Webinar Education schedule go to SourceMob.com and look for the Events link off the navigational bar http://sourcemob.com/events/
Next Webinar – July 29th SourceMob Webinar – 12 PM CDT:
Master Class – HR Marketing for your Talent Pipeline – Presented by Jeffery Giesener
It’s Free!
ABOUT SOURCEMOB: SourceMob integrates Internet, social, talent community and mobile recruiting solutions to help talent acquisition professionals recruit the very best candidates for tough-to-fill positions. SourceMob’s IT, Analytics and HR Media Services distributes job content and conversations providing a job posting springboard to over 3.5 million candidate profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ and all of the major search engines. We help you engage with your candidates and capture niche Passive candidates. Our solutions also enable Mobile Quick Apply and candidate application management services to create efficiencies and lower recruiting costs.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Jeffery Giesener