60% of Mobile Conversations happen where?

Mobile Commerce is really about connecting and having a conversation with your consumer. But what’s different in Mobile marketing is the connecting and conversations happen wherever your consumer is.

What makes Mobile marketing even more challenging is that these Mobile engagements are no longer dependent on your consumer being at home or at the office or in social communities tied to a PC.

40% of Mobile Conversations happen at work; 20% at home*

Now, when your business begins to focus on Mobile marketing, the stickiness of this medium will be all about creating faster engagements and better conversations. When you plug into this “on-the-go” marketing medium the result will be something that we as marketers have never been part of before.

Another Innovative Marketing Sea Change…

YES – another sea change of new Mobile innovations are coming at marketers and they are about to provide an undertow that could sweep your business out to sea  if you’re not ready for them.

And you’re still trying to catch up regarding what to do with Facebook and Twitter marketing? Sorry… no rest for the marketing weary.

From my seat, you should be looking at the competitor to the right and then to your left and determine how they could disrupt your business using Mobile and or Social platforms.

 Or does your business still have an attitude like this…

We still see attitudes like this all the time and advise merchants to mitigate these  legacy attitudes. Remember, Facebook has been in existence for nearly 8 years and now has over 800 Million users. So I often ask, at what point does a business “get it”?

The challenge is if you wait for competitive innovation to hit your business it may be too late.  With your consumer now in control of their marketing acceptance points, they will dictate where they will be marketed to and by whom. Companies prepared to enable the consumer to control their touch points will be the big winners.  Are you prepared to thrive or will you perish in this new consumer-centric marketing landscape? It’s survival of the fittest on the Social and Mobile tundra!

Would You Say Goodbye to 25% of Your Business?

Today, Mobile Commerce  is already 10%+ of sales according to IBM and growing rapidly so there’s no time to wait. This is not the late 90’s anymore when marketers questioned if they should be in e-commerce. You have to make the Mobile decision much more quickly than that!

Here is what you need to be thinking…and thinking it today!

  • Mobile marketing is a way for your business to stay connected to your audience 24/7, regardless of their location.  It’s a way to connect with the consumer who is on the go.
  • Mobile marketing is a tremendous opportunity for your business to reach your consumer while they’re in your store, on the web, in social communities or while they’re shopping your competitors retail or website store.
  • Mobile Search volume has grown by 4X over 2010 because it provides timely information at that critical moment when a buying decision is made.* It’s now possible to draw traffic away from your competitor through a better quality Mobile search.
  • For the first time, the use of Mobile marketing enables you to connect with a customer using a QR code placed in your catalog or storefront. With a simple  downloadable QR reader App, consumers can now move in real-time through a unique online experience where one never existed before.

My suggestion is that all of this needs to be in your Q1-2012 Marketing Plan as you drive your business into the Mobile Commerce world.

Already, our ShoppeSimple analytics show that more than 12% of  the visits to our clients digital sites are by consumers on mobile devices and Tablets. And, we’re just at the beginning of this Mobile sea change.  Morgan Stanley says Global smartphone usage in 2011 is around 835 Million subscribers’ vs. 5.6 Billion Phone Subscribers overall. Just imagine the quantum innovation opportunity coming at all of our businesses when you consider the tremendous headroom for Smartphone and Tablet growth is still ahead of us.

Meet The Mobile Challenge…

ShoppeSimple can help your business generate mobile sales now… not months from now.  The ShoppeSimple Get Daily Offers mobile platform includes:

  • ShoppeFetch Engine:  patent-pending technology that enables you to easily create and distribute relevant and personalized product offers daily to your consumers on their Mobile smartphones phones and Tablets which they can also share with their Likes on Facebook and Followers on Twitter. The consumer buys through merchant checkout.
  • Mobile Analytics: develop a cost effective mobile strategy and identify which Mobile platforms to pursue and when.
  • Mobile Landing Pages: branded micro-sites are built on-the-fly for you for all Smartphone devices and Tablet platforms.
  • Opt-in Mobile Data Collection:  build an opt-in database of mobile phone numbers that you can market to immediately because you own this data under pure permission with your consumer.
  • Barcode Enabled: The ability for you to take advantage of all the unique “wherever you are” benefits of Mobile marketing like leveraging your stores through barcode marketing and driving additional business through QR codes on your catalog.

You can get started without requiring any assistance from your internal IT, time or resources. So, if you’re looking for an easy to implement, cost effective way to introduce Mobile marketing into your business in 2012, I’d welcome your call at 612-349-2740 or email me at jeff@shoppesimplenetwork.com





*National Retail Federation

*Morgan Stanley Mobile Trends Report/Mary Meeker

*Yahoo Press Release http://connectedtv.yahoo.com/

* http://www.engadget.com/2011/01/29/study-shocker-mobile-users-piddle-around-on-the-internet-while