360-degree of your Candidate Sourcing Tools

 …ideas by Jeffery Giesener – SourceMob.com – CEO

Have you done your own 360-degree review of how Candidates view your recruiting?

I am afraid if you were to take a hard look, a 360-degree review, you would find that…

  • Your Candidates are struggling to apply through your Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
  • Your Candidates are defecting at rates of over 70% (yes 70%) in your ATS
  • Your Candidates are defecting from your apply process when you ask them for their email address before you even show them your jobs. (why are you doing this?)
  • Your Candidates can’t find your separate (from Marketing) career pages on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Do these pages also portray your culture, have inviting recruiter videos and give Candidates an opportunity to select the jobs and locations they want to hear about?
  • You can’t engage with your Likes, Followers and Circles that are specific to your social career programs.
  • And finally, your Candidates can’t see your career website well or see your jobs without an optimized browser-based mobile or Tablet platform.

My assumptions are that you know that Facebook has now over $1 Billion profile pages, Twitter has over 500M+ users, Google+ has over 400 million users and there are already over 100 million smartphone users in the US.* (stats as of 2012). Why am I saying the above?

Because I am curious as to what are you planning to do about your Social and Mobile Recruiting program in 2013?

  • Have you defined your strategy?
  • Who will be executing it on your team? One person(s), a Team or outsourcing ithe social recruiting function?
  • How do you plan to do engage with your Social enabled Candidates many of whom are Passive?

Or will you be like the politicians in Washington who seem to just “kick” the big, tough, hard to do and risky ideas into 2014 or beyond.

But before you dismiss Social Recruiting, here are some important Business Intelligence findings from SourceMob’s Social and Mobile 2012 study of our prospective clients. Where does your company fit?

  • 80% of mid-cap – Fortune 1000 companies do not have a separate Career page for their Candidates to find them in Social Media (Facebook, Twitter and Google+). – Yes your Candidates are searching Social for your jobs.

70% of mid-cap-Fortune 1000 companies do not deliver jobs from their from current Applicant Tracking System (ATS) into social media career pages (not the business’ marketing social page). Worse yet when was the last time you tried to apply through your own ATS?

  • 95% of companies in general do not have any form of mobile platforms for Candidate to find jobs or have conversations with recruiters. Did you know according to Neilson, 73% of mobile searches resulted in a phone call?
  • 10% of Company Recruiters are using a Talent Community/Candidate Pipeline solution even less with a  HCM-CRM solution.
  • Virtually no companies are using Inbound Marketing to (chat, Direct call, Click-to-Call) engage with Candidates on their Apply pages.

However, delivering jobs to career social pages, mobile enablement, Talent Community, CRM and Conversation have helped SourceMob clients lower their cost of hire and reduce their hiring cycle times. Plus clients who are using outside recruiters have been able to reduce expensive recruiting fees by first mining their applicant data.

Depending on the components you select, you could be live with SourceMob and sourcing the top talent in less than 45 days.

At SourceMob, we are developers of next generation social and mobile recruiting tools that help Talent Acquisition teams increase the quality and conversion of their top candidates while lowering their cost per hire.

To learn more how we can increase the quality of your candidates and find Candidates in niche job categories while lowering your Cost Per Hire, simply give me a call at 612-349-2740 or email me at jeff@sourcemob.com



Jeffery Giesener





Twitter: @sourcemob













*500 companies studied in 2012.