Set Your Goals
Mobile commerce should generate revenue either directly by allowing customers to purchase items or indirectly by creating a positive experience for consumers. A mobile presence can engage consumers and provide valuable information with a simple and unique design. Before deciding to move forward with mobile commerce, retailers have to clearly define what they hope to get out of it.
While many retailers are going mobile or developing a mobile strategy, others are simply choosing the “do nothing” approach. Mobile commerce is still in its infancy and the value of a mobile presence is still uncertain. While the number of mobile consumers is small it’s growing fast. According to ATG Commerce, “27% of all consumers used their mobiles to browse and research products at least four times over a 12 month period. For the 18-34 age group, this figure is 41%“. Potential buyers seem to be testing mobile commerce and if a company is willing to give mobile the time and resources required, their business could be at the forefront of a booming trend.
Going mobile is complicated business for any retailer. However, many leading retailers believe mobile commerce may be on the verge of taking over. Retailers that start planning now will most likely be the first to attract loyal, tech-savvy customers. Ryan Peterson, mobile strategist for Ubermind puts it best: “If nothing else, look ahead two years and assume everyone you care about – customers, suppliers, and employees – will have a powerful, always-connected, GPS-enabled mobile computer in their pocket… plan accordingly.”
Let ShoppeSimple help you design your mobile web presence and Socialize your email for mobile. To contact ShoppeSimple email or phone 612-349-2700